What I am About

All things political, especially government waste and the manipulation of information. Plus a few random rants and information about the end of civilization.

Real Conserative

It's been a while, I have been travelling around a bit and haven't had much time to think about politics at home.  But now I am back

Recently one of the Liberal party former leaders, Malcolm Fraser, came out and said that there is only true Liberal in the Federal party, and that is another Malcolm.  Malcolm Turnbull.

Sad but true.  In today's politics, our politicians no longer enter for the reasons that they used to.Now they enter because it is a "career".  However they become politically indebted.

Politicians these days, start out as office workers for other politicians, and they end up owing favours to elders of the party.  Which means they can't have their own ideas as they have to agree with these people that owe their "career" to.

Unfortunately, while Malcolm Turnbull may be a true liberal in Malcolm Fraser, and many others, eyes , he is politically unpalatable, as he would alienate too many of the opposition supporters.

It's a pity, as I know I would rather have a successful businessman running my country, rather than some political indebted person who couldn't find their left foot without directions.

Anyway, here is a great video on why we need a true Conservative party.

David Schulze