What I am About

All things political, especially government waste and the manipulation of information. Plus a few random rants and information about the end of civilization.

Real Conserative

It's been a while, I have been travelling around a bit and haven't had much time to think about politics at home.  But now I am back

Recently one of the Liberal party former leaders, Malcolm Fraser, came out and said that there is only true Liberal in the Federal party, and that is another Malcolm.  Malcolm Turnbull.

Sad but true.  In today's politics, our politicians no longer enter for the reasons that they used to.Now they enter because it is a "career".  However they become politically indebted.

Politicians these days, start out as office workers for other politicians, and they end up owing favours to elders of the party.  Which means they can't have their own ideas as they have to agree with these people that owe their "career" to.

Unfortunately, while Malcolm Turnbull may be a true liberal in Malcolm Fraser, and many others, eyes , he is politically unpalatable, as he would alienate too many of the opposition supporters.

It's a pity, as I know I would rather have a successful businessman running my country, rather than some political indebted person who couldn't find their left foot without directions.

Anyway, here is a great video on why we need a true Conservative party.

David Schulze

Red Underpants

Quick comment this morning grand final day.

 Which swans will win of course

Red Underpants

So in the last week we have had Wayne Swan , sorry his correct ttile is DEPUTY PRIME MINSITER Wayne Swan according to twitter, slag off our allies.the Americans

Now the communications minister Mr Conroy has come out and said i am lord and king and if i tell the phone companies to wear red pants then they will. 

  If this is what they are saying in public then how are they acting behind closed doors, when dealing with these companies and what methods of coercion are they using

go swans

NBN Poll Results

The results of my NBN poll are in

60% Against
20% For
20% Undecided

Is 4 Years Long Term?

Recently Wayne Swan made a comment that

"Here in Australia, we have rich and proud history of leaders who have set aside their political interests to take decisions in the long-term national interest"

Really, maybe they did at one time, but does that still hold true? I don't think so! In my opinion politicians these days are incapable of thinking beyond the next election. 5 year plans are something only the Chinese can contemplate.

Just to remind you, this is the same speech where he slagged off our closest allies, with this comment.

"Let's be blunt and acknowledge the biggest threat to the world's biggest economy are the cranks and crazies that have taken over the Republican Party," .

So if politicians can think long term, why did the Victorian government make the decision to install timber sleepers on the railway track to Seymour.  Long term thinking or short financial gain?  The latter of course.

Wooden Sleepers cost $65 and last 20 years, while the concrete alternative are more expensive @ $110 they last three times as long, 60 years.  So for a saving of $1.25m the government opted to go with the cheaper wooden sleeper.  But in the long term, those sleepers will have to be replaced twice, if this replacement is also done with wooden sleepers, it would cost $3,3m , plus the install costs as well which run into the millions, and of course the inconvenience of people having to travel by bus instead of train** or it could have been done for $2.75m now with concrete sleepers.  Long term thinking - not here

While this is only a small amount in terms of the overall economy it shows how our government thinks.

Also what makes it worse, for those have a Green bent, besides trees being cut down, is that a wooden sleeper emits 9 Kilo-tonnes of Carbon each year, while a concrete sleeper only emits 1.5 Kilo tonnes.  So the wooden sleepers emit 6 times more carbon (I wonder if they are paying the Carbon Tax ?)

Other examples are the Ring Road and Monash Freeway, why weren't these built with future needs in mind, instead of having to put us through the inconvenience of years of upgrades, and $000,000,000's (billions)
in extra funding. Again short term thinking.  How much would have been saved if the ring road had been built with 3 lanes, from the start.  Having recently travelled on the ring road during peak hour, I can tell you that it is a complete mess.

So next time you are voting in an election, ask what has my Local Member done for my area, and is he/she a long term thinker or short term, because at the end of the day you vote them in to do the best for your constituency (I will talk more about this at a later date). 

 Politicians these days are only interested in doing whatever will help them extend their "political career", and are incapable of thinking beyond 4 years

** That is of course if they do it right the first time, look at the debacle that occurred just a bit past Seymour.  The upgrade between Seymour and Albury, which cost $500m, was declared unsafe when it was finished.  Thats right Unsafe, after spending $500m it was a complete and waste of money,  causing the line to be closed for another year.  (See picture below of the top quality building standards). It was so bad  Trains where actually decoupling.  Ask my Mum how happy they were with this, 2 years of travelling to Melbourne on a much slower bus because the government failed to hire someone who could actually build a railway line.

A section of newly-laid track, outside Euroa, that's been affected by mudholes..

I Don't Have Anything to Hide

I don't have anything to hide!.  That is the catchphrase I hear all the time when I ask people if they are concerned about the governments proposed Email and Internet storage laws.

But what gets forgotten in the debate is that your information will be available for other people to hack.  Won't happen I hear people saying, the government will use ISO9701 standard cloud servers that are fully secure with only the latest in security software.

Is that right?  Not so - as Government tenders don't always go to the best option, but rather the best price, which could end up impacting the level of security your emails get stored under.

Just look at today's blunder by the Australian Government

A new computer system was introduced today, which because of flaws, allowed other MP's to see each other emails and calendars. So the government couldn't even introduce a system for a few hundred MP's, yet we are meant to trust them with creating a system to store 22,000,000 peoples emails.  Yeah Right.

Our governments, both past and present, Liberal and Labour, cannot be trusted with any project this size - look at some of their other stand outs in recent years:

- Submarines which required years of additional work because they were too noisy.
- Buying rust bucket ships from the US, that weren't even inspected prior.
- The Insulation Bats.
- The builders retirement fund, sorry school building program.
- And my favourite, the Helicopters that won't fly.

We need more competent people in power, rather than current crop of "Career Politicians".

And say no to the proposed email and internet storage laws!

David Schulze


I was intending to go on with some more political arguments, but given the recent news that America and Europe are printing more money, I thought this would be a more timely topic to cover, after all we have another year until Labour get kicked out of power.

What is Hyperinflation?

Hyperinflation occurs when a country experiences very high and usually accelerating inflation. While the real values of the specific economic items generally stay the same in terms of relatively stable foreign currencies, in hyperinflationary conditions the general price level within a specific economy increases rapidly as the functional or internal currency, as opposed to a foreign currency, loses its real value very quickly, normally at an accelerating rate

In plain English - Hyperinflation means paper money is worthless. Why because in itself, paper money has no real value. It only has imaginary value that society has assigned to it. i.e. I choose to accept your $5 note for a loaf of bread, but the real value of that bread is not the $5 but the time and effort you have put into making it, so instead of $5 you could instead accept 1/2 an hours labour or material goods.

We all seen the photos - one of the most famous being the lady burning banknotes in Germany in the 1920's

In recent times this has occurred more often than you may realise, with nearly 50 countries suffering from hyperinflation in this century.  One of the most recent being Zimbabwe, from where I have $100,000,000,000,000 note which was worth about $1 U.S. at the time

So what does it mean for you:

During hyperinflation the cost of goods can rise by 10% to 10000% per day.  So the money you earn in the morning is worthless that night. Hence the lady in the photo burning the notes as they weren't enough for a loaf of bread.

What can you do:

During hyperinflation only real goods have any value.  You can be prepared for hyperinflation by having actual goods, such as Gold, Silver, Food and other commodities.

Other goods are Toothpaste, Medical Supplies, Seeds.  Coins are also good as they hold an intrinsic value based on the metal content, an old coins are better, with pre-1956 coins containing up to 10g of Silver.

Why I am mentioning this now

I am mentioning this now, because a precurser to hyperinflation, is governments printing money, which the U.S. and Europe did last, governments buying their own bonds, which the U.S. is also doing and the price of precious commodities like gold increasing, which increased 6% last week due to America and Europe printing money.

That's right - Gold went up $100 last week alone.

Why do we need inflation

We don't actually need inflation.  There is no reason the cost of the goods needs to change at all, besides basic supply and demand.

We have inflation because of Governments as a government that borrows money wants inflation as it means they have to pay back less.

In basic terms if a government borrows $1m at 1.5% for 10 years, they have to pay back $1.14m, but if inflation has been running at 3% then the $1m is worth $1.3m.  Meaning the government doesn't have to pay back as much.

Or another way to put it is that the bond holders lose as the real value of their money has decreased.

The motto here is - be prepared.  www.survivalblog.com

Looking forward to your feedback

David Schulze

25 signs the middle class are being wiped out

interesting article .  just substitute Australian for American


Test Spin at the Riots

a few years ago the NSW government bought a water cannon.

so why didn't they use it at the riots in Sydney today. 

in fact it has never been used and  this would been the perfect opportunity to take it for test spin and make sure it works properly .  how else are you going to know that it u didn't get sold a lemon.

on a more serious note .  it was a pretty extreme riot over a movie.  if you hate it that much then just go and see the new Judge Dredd movie instead.

i wonder how many of them have actually seen it.

Is 0.02% really safer

Hi Welcome to first blog post.  My website will be up and running in a few weeks, so hopefully you stick around.

Today's Topic  - Is a 0.02% Blood Alcohol Limit really safer

Today's news has included a story that we should lower the Legal Blood Alcohol level to 0.02% based on research from Sweden.

A little bit of on-line research shows that there is more to this story.  In fact the report, from Sweden, says

"The conclusions reached in this study are not definitive as the following factors have not been considered:

- Cars are safer.

- Roads are safer.
- People are driving less km's.
- Fines for other bad driving behaviour, such as running red lights, have been increased.

More analysis is required, before a definitive conclusion can be reached, that the lowering of the Legal Blood Alcohol Limit is  responsible for the decrease in the road toll."

So the Victorian government / police have made suggestions without either reading the full report, or they have read the full report and made their suggestions based political factors, not fact.

The problem in this day and age is that politicians pick and choose the parts of any analysis that suits them and their "political career"**.

Take the Henry Tax review as an example.  The government only introduced a handful of the 138 recommendations, chief among those the Mining Super Tax,  while ignoring all the recommendations that may have benefited the country but not have won votes with the public.

My recommendation, do more research, research, research, before making conclusions based on media stories.

Looking forward to hearing your comments.

David Schulze

** more to follow on politicians and their "political careers"